Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can You Live Without Modern Technology?

Most of us considers having modern technology around would make life perfect. But, that has not always be the case.

Perfect living for Deborah Bird means not having a microwave oven, cellphone, computer with WiFi and many other electronic gadgets including cars -because she is allergic to modern technology.

The 43-year-old is so sensitive to
electromagnetic field created by computers and other sorts that she develops a painful
skin rash whenever she gets near them.

Not only did she develop skin rash, her eyelids would swell three times the size whenever she got the allergic reaction.

As a consequence, she and her husband had to transform their house into an EMF free zone. The walls are painted with special carbon paint, windows are fitted with protective film and they sleep under a silver-plated mosquito net.

Read more here : 1, 2

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