Thursday, June 9, 2011

Most Expensive Coffee Made From Animal Poop?

The world famed Civet Coffee or locally known as Kopi Luwak is a special type of coffee taken from the droppings of Luwak or Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hemaphroditus).

The process of making this coffee began when the civet eats the ripe coffee berries and swallowing them together with their beans. The beans then passed through this little animal's digestive tract before being pooped out in clumps. These clumps are then collected by farmers, thoroughly cleaned, dried and lightly roasted before being served to those willing to pay.

Studies shows that inside the civet's stomach, the coffee beans are fermented in a mixture of stomach acids and enzymes which brings out the full taste and aroma of the coffee and reduce bitterness.

However, scientists in America have come up with ways to imitate the process without involving animals.

Sources: 1, 2, 3

Also check out the imitated civet coffee which goes under the brand "Magic Cat"

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