Monday, May 23, 2011

There Are At Least Ten Disorders Related to Facebook.

Although none of these terms have been properly endorsed by any medical institution or organisation, They have come up in various publications.

1. CFD (Compulsive Facebook Disorder)

2. OCFD (Obsessive Compulsive Facebook Disorder)

3. FAD (Facebook Addiction Disorder)

4. FAD (Facebook Anxiety Disorder)

5. FD (Facebook Depression)

6. FTAD (Facebook / Twitter Addiction Disorder)

7. FBS (Facebook Syndrome)

8. FSS (Facebook Status Syndrome)

9. FSS (Facebook Stress Syndrome)

10. FWS (Facebook Withdrawal Syndrome) link

You can check out the links above and see which syndrome can you relate yourself to...

Think That Mynah On Your Front Porch is Amazing? Think Again.

If put head to head on a singing contest, the common Hill Myna would have been shamed by this bird's capabilities.

The reason is that the males of this bird, commonly known as the Lyrebird (Menura novaehollandiae) attracts the opposite sex by composing its own complex song from the sounds around it.

Native to the rainforests of East Australia, this bird is not only an expert of convincingly imitating the sounds of other birds, but also other more unfamiliar sounds like chainsaws car alarm, human voices, hammers, power drills and camera shutters.

Read more here: 1, 2, 3

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can You Live Without Modern Technology?

Most of us considers having modern technology around would make life perfect. But, that has not always be the case.

Perfect living for Deborah Bird means not having a microwave oven, cellphone, computer with WiFi and many other electronic gadgets including cars -because she is allergic to modern technology.

The 43-year-old is so sensitive to
electromagnetic field created by computers and other sorts that she develops a painful
skin rash whenever she gets near them.

Not only did she develop skin rash, her eyelids would swell three times the size whenever she got the allergic reaction.

As a consequence, she and her husband had to transform their house into an EMF free zone. The walls are painted with special carbon paint, windows are fitted with protective film and they sleep under a silver-plated mosquito net.

Read more here : 1, 2

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Most Expensive House Ever Built is 27 Stories High and Costs Over $1 Billion

Built for India' richest man, Mukesh Ambani moved into his new home in 2010.

But this is no ordinary home. This state-of-the-art building is 173 metres high (equivalent to a regular 6o storied residential building) and has 37 000 square metres of space.

Other amenities in the building includes six floors for parking, the seventh floor for car service and maintenance, an entertainment centre complete with a 50-seat theatre, a health club complete with swimming pool and other athletic equipments and another two floors designated to be the 'air space floor' which acts as a control room for the three helipads on the top terrace.

The building which is named Antilla after a mythological island, is designed based on the Hanging Gardend of Babylon and conforms to Vaastu, an Indian form of Feng Shui.

Sources: 1, 2, 3

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Malaysia is Currently the No. 43 Most Populated Country

According to CIA's The World Factbook, China is the world's most populated country at 1.3 billion people followed by India at 1.2 billion people.

Malaysia is at number 43 in the list at 28 million people (sandwiched between Peru at number 42 and Uzbekistan at number 44).

The region with the least number of inhabitants however, belongs to Pitcairn Islands with only 48 citizens!

Read more about Pitcairn Islands and the "Mutiny on HMS Bounty" here and here.

Sources: CIA, JPM

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mona Lisa a Transvestite?

The most famous theory about the origins of Mona Lisa is that it is a painting of a local merchant's wife Lisa Gherardini.

But, researchers have come up with a new theory about the model for the most famous painting in the world.

According to Silvano Vincetti, head of Italy's National Historic Commission, the model was da Vinci's own apprentice named Gian Giacomo Caprotti or nicknamed Salai.

He had been the model for several other of da Vinci's works including the paintings of John the Baptist and Angel Incarnate.

Sources: 1, 2, 3

Apparently, You Can Not Only Walk on Water, You Can Drive on It Too!

Get the right tires and the right speed and you might be able to literally drive on water as shown in the video below.

Apparently, if the conditions above are met, the surface tension of the water can hold a vehicle weighing over a tonne!

Click here if you want to know how you can walk on water.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The NAZI Troops Were so Fashionable, Their Uniforms Were Made By HUGO BOSS!

But of course, at that time, the company was not yet known for its trendy men's suits and flashy ties. It was one of the thousands of contractors hired to produce the uniforms for the SS Units, the SA Stormtroopers and also the Hitler Youth.

Hugo Boss founded his textile factory in 1923. During that time, the factory produced uniforms for the police and postal workers. He then joined the Nazi Party eight years later.

It was by the year 1933 did Hugo Boss started to manufacture Nazi uniforms and by the time of Hugo's death, the factory reverted to making uniforms for the police and postal workers.

Read more here.
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